Essential Scrum and Other Books to Help You be Agile

I’ve read a few books on Scrum over the years. I read Essential Scrum because others at my company who had not gone through Scrum training with Kenny Rubin, and I wanted to use the book aa a vehicle for refreshing my thinking and getting on the same page as everyone else in terms of terminology, best practice advice etc. The book helped with that and more.

Reading this book did more for me than give me a chance to synch up vocabulary. It helped me re-think some practices and consider ways to move beyond my current approach to Scrum and consider ways to do things better.

This book covers the whole spectrum of Scrum related issues from the usual Scrum mechanics, such as how to execute scrum meetings to questions that often leave those adopting Scrum for the first time puzzled such as how Scrum fits in the larger organization, the the role of Managers (yes, there is one), and how to deal with obstacles.

The book has an excellent discussion of the various Scrum roles, and how they work in real situations. (For example, what to do when you can’t have a dedicated Scrum Master). This is a book on process, but it does not let you forget that people and communication are at the core of Scrum.

This is a rather complete book on its own, as it covers the full spectrum and full lifecycle of Scrum from planning to retrospective, and from Portfolio to sprint. Rubin also provides a selection of good references throughout should you want to go deeper. In particular you might want to follow up by learning more about retrospectives by reading Agile Retrospectives or learn more about portfolio management by reading Johanna Rothman’s book.

What was especially interesting for me to see was the chapter on management. With the focus on self-organizing teams and mechanisms for team feedback and improvement, many people either neglect the role of managers, or overlay an approach that can stifle a scrum team. Rubin has an excellent chapter on this topic. You may also want to read Management 3.0 for a broader perspective on what a manager on an agile team is, and Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management for some excellent day to day advice on managing in any context, but especially an agile one.

This book is different from some other recent books on Scrum. Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time is more about the principles of Scrum, and it’s a great book to inspire you to implement Scrum values, but a book like Essential Scrum is what you’ll need to actually execute. The Human Side of Agile adds to Essential Scrum by guiding you through the interplay between technical and people issues.

Essential Scrum is readable and useful by everyone on the team and in the business, and is a great book to read if you can read only one for now. Essential Scrum can help you adopt Scrum more effectively, or reenergize your Scrum thinking if you are Scrum veteran. There are other books that will want to read as you seek deeper knowledge, but you can’t go wrong with starting with Essential Scrum.